I am sitting here with one friend's child in my lap, and another friend's poem in my heart.
Creation is amazing! I think about this squishy child who keeps whacking my keyboard and where she came from? It's crazy! Crazy I tell you!
But what of words? When someone writes something that goes straight to your heart? The way a child's warm hug touches you?
Or the embracing words that wrap your heart in safety, the way a child's laughter nestles round your heart.
There are brush strokes of a painting when all I did was to pick up the brush.
The Lord creates though us. We are not the creators of any of it. All of these things are straight from the Divine, filtered through us. A gift from Him. And a gift to others.
It is Him and not we ourselves. He creates for us, but He cannot unless we lift the brush, open the laptop, or breathe the words.
I am struck today by the myriad gifts He gives us. I think I am often stuck in thinking that because the gift of human life is the best gift that the other ones are negligible.
It is like the parable of the talents. If the Lord gives us a gift, we should use it. It doesn't matter the gifts He has given to others. The Lord has given goodness to all of us and it's up to us to do something with that!
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"It doesn't matter the gifts He has given to others." That's a very insightful lesson!