Listening Heart

Doing things is overwhelming.

You know that feeling when you have so many things going on that you're sure you'll forget something?

I felt that way last night. Like something was about to be forgotten but I didn't know what. I usually write stuff down so that I don't forget things. But what if I forget to write stuff down?!

Luckily I didn't lie awake fretting. I was able to sleep last night, and this morning I got a bunch of things done. Okay, maybe like two things done, but even just accomplishing one thing made life feel much more manageable.

One thing got done, and suddenly my brain was like "It's all good!"

It also helps that today is gross and rainy. Haha. Like for real, today is cozy and amazing.

There is a crackling fire behind me and someone bought me pizza and listened to me.

I don't think I really understood the value of listening until this summer/fall. I mean, I always knew it was important. So maybe I didn't really understand what listening was until someone actually listened to me.

If you don't know what listening is I'm not sure that I can explain it, because I really thought I understood it before now, but now I'm not so sure.

I guess there is a listening where someone's eyes glaze over, or they say something like "When you are talking I have to think about other things or I'll fall asleep." But there is also a listening where you can see affection in the other person's eyes, and concern and care, and you know that they are listening not just with their ears but with their eyes and heart.

It is a gift to be heard.

I sat and ate pizza on a rainy day and someone listened to me and cared. And the world feels brighter.


Mask Thoughts

You know when you're driving and everyone going slower than you is an idiot, while everyone going faster than you is a maniac? That'...