If you want to get a swing fixed in Ramsett Park you might start a letter writing campaign. Maybe knowing that there are a lot of people inconvenienced by this would hurry up the process of getting it fixed. That's a reasonable request and maybe a use for letter writing campaigns.
But, let's just say that having no swings in Ramsett Park were divinely ordained. It wouldn't matter how many letters were sent in. If the rule was no swings, it doesn't matter how many people are inconvenienced by the lack of swings. If say 50 people wrote saying that they wanted a swing in the park, and no one wrote saying that they did not want swings in the park it might look like a lot of people wanted a swing in the park. But why would someone write in to say that they didn't want swings in the park if there were no swings in the park? Also, if God said no swings in the park, and even if everybody in the town did want swings in the park would you really want someone to bow to your wishes to provide swings in the park?
I think maybe I would just go to a different park.
Some people might say "Look, if you don't want swings in the park, just don't swing on them." But that's not the point. If God said no swings in the park I wouldn't want swings in the park.
If the people who maintained the park believed in the park rules, it shouldn't matter what letters they received. Even if hundreds and hundreds of letters poured in telling them they really wanted swings in the park, and no one wrote to them saying "Hey, I'm cool with there being no swings in the park!" that shouldn't matter. Do the park rules matter or not?
I mean, I guess maybe we could change the park rules? Maybe they're only guidelines and if enough people wanted to change the park rules that would be a good idea. After all, maybe the park rules were written a long time ago and times have changed. Oh wait, did we establish that the park rules were directly from God? Hmm, I guess we don't really have the authority to change them then.
I wouldn't want the park people being persuaded by letters of any kind. I will not be writing a letter to the park people, because my opinion doesn't matter. Because it's an opinion. Also, I don't care if my opinion is heard. Because it's an opinion. The Park Rules aren't gonna change, no matter how many letters anyone writes.
But also, if you want to write a letter telling someone how much you love the park there's nothing wrong with that.
Stop worrying about how many people are coming to the park. Adhere to the park rules and all will be well. I trust the park people. I believe that they are doing their best to follow the park rules.
And really? I trust the Lord. It's really gonna be fine because He's got this. No matter what, He's got this.
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Love. Great analogy! I love you.